Runa Ray is a Fashion designer and Environmentalist.
Who uses Fashion as Activism to advocate for policy change.
She has worked extensively with the sustainable development goals and Climate Action at the United Nations.
As an innovator, Runa Ray's designs encompass the reduce, reuse and recycle model.
By keeping the end in mind, She has helped revive ancient indigenous techniques of garmenting that reduce our impact on earth, along side science based ideas from renewable energy.
Her expertise in the circularity of the Fashion Industry and zero waste initiatives helps designers, SME's and MME's in abating climate change.

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When Fashion has a Message
She was awarded the best design collection award at the National Institute of Fashion Technology,
post which, she did her Masters in Fashion in Paris, and worked with the Luxury houses of Dior and John Galliano.
It was during her bout of industrial experience gained throughout her working career, that she noticed the incriminating challenges faced in the fashion industry which ranged from human to societal problems.
Keen to make a difference, she created a brand which embodied nature based solutions in major aspects of its design, recognizing and abating carbon foot print in the most recognizable sectors.
Her intuitive knowledge on cultures coupled with skills necessary to build messages, launched a career that made her a regular at the New York Fashion week and the United Nations, where she effectively used Fashion to advocate for policy change
Runa Ray, decided to turn her life into a career that could heal the world. Her nonprofit Fashioning Social Environmental Justice, collaborates with with Blue and Green economies to help be part of the solution.
As a Fashion environmentalist, Ray writes regularly for Deccan herald newspaper in India, the (CFDA) Council of Fashion Designers of America, IOC- Unesco and the World Bank on Fashion and Climate action, focusing on ideas that promote sustainability to reduce Fashion's impact on our environment.
She is also an educational member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for Fashion and Climate Action and believes that environmental justice cannot exist without social justice.
Advocating for a clean planet at the United Nations, COP events IUCN Youth and The New York Stock Exchange, Ray's circular approach towards design, have been featured in the Huffingtonpost, Vogue, ID, WWD, Daily Mail and Harpers Bazaar.